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=Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) Study Design Browser=

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An integral component of the [ Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR)] established by the [ National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS)], the [ HHEAR Data Center] aims to catalyze new scientific insight from the colocation, integration and advanced statistical and data science analysis of multimodal data sets curated from existing environmental epidemiological research studies.

== Getting started ==
To benefit the broader research community, the HHEAR Data Center has created a data repository that houses harmonized and de-identified data from all studies accepted into the CHEAR and HHEAR program that have passed an embargo period. The goal of this repository is to promote the secondary analysis of pooled environmental health data by providing data in a manner that is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. The repository is searchable by various facets of the studies' design, such as primary health outcome, environmental exposure, and participant life stage. Users are able to compile and download customized datasets from CHEAR and HHEAR research studies.
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This site provides the public with a simple Wiki to browse selected design elements and other metadata we have collected for the HHEAR studies.
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==Biospecimens Analyzed==
==Environmental Exposures==
==Geographic Location==
==Host Institutions==
==Life Stages==
==Primary Health Outcomes==
==Standardized Questionnaires==

Revision as of 14:57, 20 December 2024

Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) Study Design Browser

An integral component of the Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR) established by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS), the HHEAR Data Center aims to catalyze new scientific insight from the colocation, integration and advanced statistical and data science analysis of multimodal data sets curated from existing environmental epidemiological research studies.

To benefit the broader research community, the HHEAR Data Center has created a data repository that houses harmonized and de-identified data from all studies accepted into the CHEAR and HHEAR program that have passed an embargo period. The goal of this repository is to promote the secondary analysis of pooled environmental health data by providing data in a manner that is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. The repository is searchable by various facets of the studies' design, such as primary health outcome, environmental exposure, and participant life stage. Users are able to compile and download customized datasets from CHEAR and HHEAR research studies.

This site provides the public with a simple Wiki to browse selected design elements and other metadata we have collected for the HHEAR studies.


Biospecimens Analyzed

Environmental Exposures

Geographic Location

Host Institutions

Life Stages

Primary Health Outcomes

Standardized Questionnaires